The ‘Chinese Whispers’ series (2013-2015) draws attention to questions of authorship, copying and forgery.

The Carters selected various Andy Warhol drawings which they then requested be copied by hand in enormous ‘art workshops’ in China.

The copy produced was then forwarded to a second unsuspecting artisan (given no sight of the original Warhol), then a third, and so on, with the image passing through many hands, changed subtly at each stage, setting up the conditions for of an artistic gave of Chinese Whispers.

The mistakes and variations inescapabaly made by each artist were adopted and built upon, completely transforming the original.

The Carters then brought together the resulting sequence of drawings, with each final grid consituting a unique work in a witty series that draws attention to wider concerns of authenticity and the status of Western imagery in the East.