The Carters’ ‘Transforming’ series (2009-2017) consists of looped films displayed in ornate frames depicting an iconic painting, drawing or photograph that is subtly brought to life and ingeniously transformed through digital animation.
The aim is to re-engage with these historical artworks and create a unique intersection between art of the past and cutting edge, computer-generated imagery. The series was originally informed by the knowledge that museum visitors look at a work for an average of three seconds. In an attempt to inspire visitors to examine artworks for longer, it became the Carters’ ambition to create a body of work that rewarded viewers for the extra time spent looking.
The aim is to re-engage with these historical artworks and create a unique intersection between art of the past and cutting edge, computer-generated imagery. The series was originally informed by the knowledge that museum visitors look at a work for an average of three seconds. In an attempt to inspire visitors to examine artworks for longer, it became the Carters’ ambition to create a body of work that rewarded viewers for the extra time spent looking.
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Still Life Painting, 2009-12
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Vanitas Painting, 2012-13
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Diptych, 2013
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Nude Painting, 2013
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Portrait Painting, 2016-2017
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Landscape Drawing, 2014-2017
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Landscape Painting, 2013-17
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Still Life Painting II, 2016
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Flowers in a Vase, 2016
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Flowers in a Vase, 2016
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Photograph, 2016
- Rob and Nick Carter, Transforming Five Tulips in a Wan-Li Vase, 2017